On 22/07/2014, Anthony Ong informs the following:
Below is a copy of a complaint email i sent to Prime Taxi. But i doubt they will respond. SHD2609R was in one of you blog entry (10 Mar 2013) and i encountered him today. Very reckless driving.
"I would like to file a report of reckless driving case by PRIME cab SHD 2609R this morning.Date: 22 Jul 2014, TuesTime: 11.12 amVenue: Queensway Underpass @ Commonwealth Ave junction.This cab driver has recklessly cut into my lane after a short impromptu left signal and has also cut into the right lane recklessly shortly after. Please look into the matter as this driver has caused unnecessarily alarm and potential harm to the two vehicles and the drivers respectively.I hold a video clip of the reckless act by your cab driver and you can access it via the following link: http://youtu.be/fLmagSHKt2U
I reserve the right to submit the video clip to LTA."
We are hardly surprised that this driver has made another appearance on our blog and is testament to why this site is important. Repeat offenders such as this driver should be removed from the roads altogether with immediate effect. We urge you to not bother with the cab company and proceed to lodge a complaint with LTA through their online feedback portal instead.