Sunday, 3 November 2013

Driver Wanted for Film

Charly informs the following on 01/11/2013:

Dear Sir, I am a producer for MAKE Productions in Singapore and we are filming a pilot programme with Indonesian/French singer Anggun on Tuesday November 5th. We would like to film Anggun in a taxi who shows her around Singapore and would appreciate your advice on a recommendation for a taxi driver who would be appropriate for this. I understand your website is dedicated to negative experiences with cab drivers but perhaps you know some who deserve to be featured for being more positive cab role models?  
We would like someone who is charismatic and knows a lot about the city, who is very proud of the city and is happy to be on camera. We would need him/her to be available from 9AM to 11AM on November 5th. Please let me know if you have any ideas - I look forward to hearing from you.  
Kind regards, Charly

Readers, please nominate any driver whom you think is deserving for this role, thanks. You can leave the name and contact number of the driver in the comments or drop me an email at

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